- 2015年特斯拉Model S
- 01-维修手册
- 01-简价
- 02-一般信息
- 03-技术数据
- 04-专业工具
- 05-车身
- 06-覆盖件
- 07-外部附件
- 08-座椅
- 09-仪表板
- 10-踏板
- 11-内饰
- 12-电池
- 13-电子控制模块
- 14-无钥匙进入和防盗
- 15-驻车辅助
- 16-雨刮清洗
- 17-照明
- 18-空调
- 19-安全气囊
- 20-信息和娱乐
- 21-全景车顶
- 22-底盘
- 23-悬架
- 24-转向
- 25-制动
- 26-车轮和轮胎
- 27-驱动单元
- 28-高压电系统
- 29-外部充电系统
- 02-电路图
- 00-table of contents
- 01-audio wiring
- 02-antenna connections
- 03-center display
- 04-security horns passive entry
- 05-chassis
- 06-power steering
- 07-air suspension subsystem
- 08-door controls
- 09-energy system
- 10-exterior illumination
- 11-hatch acuator
- 12-HVAC
- 13-high voltage interlock connections
- 14-wiper and washer
- 15-safety
- 16-panoramic sunroof
- 17-drive inverter
- 18-seat
- 19-mirrors
- 20-interior lighting
- 21-parking aids
- 22-safety
- 23-CAN Network
- 24-vehicle diagnostic connections
- 25-12v power distribution
- 26-ground distribution
- 27-fusebox layout